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Inspiring & empowering the next generation.
We are a STEM Centre of Excellence where industry, education and community collaborate to shape the future.
Our goal is to connect students to their futures by igniting curiosity, engagement, and collaboration through an industry-driven curriculum and hands-on exploration of advanced technologies.
Our role is to support our partner schools in providing secondary students with the skills they need to flourish in careers of the future.​

We are a hub for secondary schools within Wyndham and Hobsons Bay.
We offer programs, projects and spaces that integrate technology across all subjects, and drive the use of problem-solving, design-thinking and project management.
Access to our programs, teacher professional development, and industry & community events is completely free for all partner schools.
Our Latest Adventures
Follow us @wyndhamtechschool to stay up to date!
Tech Schools are made possible by the vision of the Victorian State Government, supported by annual funding from the Department Education and hosted by Victoria University (VU).
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